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To keep doing what we do sustainably, we need around $88,000 to work with this year. That's about $240 a day. Getting to that $240 daily means just $20 a month from you. We are his third owners in little over a year. His first owner got divorced and had to give him up, he then lived for 4 months with a lady who had a 12 year old dog. Her other dog did not accept him and bullied him around constantly so she had to give him up. vibrators She pulled out her wallet and fished a condom out from its dark recesses. I told her why you shouldn't keep a condom in a wallet. Then I looked at the condom, and it had expired last year. I knew he was close to cumming and told him he can shoot in me. I heard him groaning and then felt the warm liquid being shot into me, and then I felt myself starting to orgasm. I could feel my ass contracting around his penis as I orgasmed. I felt him sliding out of me, his dick making a popping sound when it flopped out. As we lay on the bed afterwards we b